Monday, April 21, 2008

A month in a nutshell

When there's a lot of exciting new things that go on in my lovely life, I totally want to blog about it, but by the time I finish the day, the little cozy couch by the livingroom window is a lot more inviting than the computer desk. I'm going to attempt a short blog, with random sentences of what Jason and I are up to. If you read this blog and think, huh? wait, that's only one sentence and she left me hangin' I wanna know what else happened! me & I'll tell ya 'bout it.
So, let's see, the beginning of the month, or a little sometime in March after I attacked my closet:
Jason got his dream job without even asking, I'm about to get mine, but I did ask.
Okay, I wont leave ya hanging on that one sentence. Jason did get a new job, but never asked for it, he was approached. It's pretty much his dream job, working with leaders. It fits him well, like it was set up specifically for his talents and abilities to be put to use at their fullest. He loves it, and I love it!
At one of my visits to the MAC counter, I met the regional manager, and I asked her for a job. She set up an interview for me, and I will be scheduled a second interview when they finish up with events. I think I'm in. Long hiring process. I've been told it's a very difficult job to get, but ya know how God totally sets things up you can meet the right person at the right time?! That's what happened!

We're gonna buy a house!
Remember that whole house-hunting thing we had requested prayer about a couple years ago? We found a mean time house that we didn't buy and thought wow, God's so detailed with this rental, imagine what our miracle house will be like! It's time for us to find that miracle house we prayed for a couple years ago. We've been packing.
So, dream jobs, house hunting, and well, church activities....yep, that keeps us busy. That's what's been going on in my very lovely life.
We're off to go celebrate a graduation. Jason's sister Dawnetta, and her husband Travis are graduating from Evangel University. We leave Thursday bright and early! Hooray, a little vacation!