After exploring the world of retail at Starbucks for a few years, I decided it's time to hang up my aprons, and replace them with professional attire. I'm super stoked to get to polish my nails again. When I interviewed for Starbucks, I was asked "Why do you want to work here?" My answer was, "It looks like a great place to work, and I kinda like coffee." The manager giggled and continued the interview. The curious look about her face made me wonder if she was going to hire me. All I knew was "office". Maybe she'd let me take a shot at retail, I really wanted the experience of interacting with a diverse crowd, and expressed that in the interview. Two days later, I was back in, signing paper work, getting a store tour and presented with two lovely green aprons. Hooray, I was in! Mid training, I kept wondering what in the world was I thinking, especially when they told me I couldn't wear nail polish! Oh well, hours of standing gave me a pretty good excuse to pamper my feet-I could still polish the piggys! Retail was quite an adjustment, but I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so well, that I stuck around maybe a little too long. It's the first time I have ever left a job without having another one lined up. Scary move, but I like to call it a leap of faith. Jason and I both felt comfortable with that decision.
I've put the working in cosmetics thing on hold for now. I did explore many of those options, and Sephora would have been an awesome place for me, but I want out of reatil more than I want to work with cosmetics & girly prettys! And goodness, I'd probably spend a lot of my paychecks on product! So for right now, I'm working at home, but searching for a new job that is far away from retail. Perhaps after crossing off the last little item on our vast list of "iddy-biddy home projects" I'll get a phone call for an interview at a perfect for me office.
Starbucks was a great job, I kinda just grew out of it.