I'm not sure how many photos I can put on one post. I'll put several pictures of Jason and me, I'll put together a slide show of some kind on my kodak spot and post the link later. These photos are from the bottom to the top: Jason & Me, a self portrait on our anniversary, me with my little "mommy trainers" Jonathan & Josie (my brother's kiddos-they came over for a visit), Jason and me on Christmas Eve at my mom & dad's house-it was like almost midnight when that pic. was taken, we were so tired, the fire was so cozy, and there was a whole lot of visiting to do so sleep was really just overrated that night...plus we totally wanted to see if Santa would attempt to come down a lit up chimney! Okay, next photo: Jason & me, we had family over for supper & this was a candid shot that Vic took. The other two are of us taking required pictures for "the amazing race" that the married couples ministry at church has every year. We Won!! Wearing that fluffy leafy suit at Cabella's is as close to out doorsie as I get.....because I'm girly and proud of it.
Oh, and I got a haircut, that's a self portrait I took to e-mail a pic. to my sister. Jason loves it, so do I, my hair's not boring anymore, Staci is a genius!